中国汽车趋势网(汽车趋势网)是由新华社高级记者、知名汽车评论专家张毅创办并出任总编辑的汽车行业资讯类网站。网站以“把握大局、洞察趋势,凝聚共识、助力产业”为口号,以“以前瞻视角,提供权威观点和资讯”为网站定位。致力于打造全国性汽车产业资讯类媒体。 2023-10-20
Trinity provides a one stop Cloud procurement solution for Procurement professionals that improves efficiency, reduces spend and drives more transparency in the procurement process: Trinity Columbus supplier search engine to discover suppliers and supplier scorecard for better management; market live feeds to stay up to date with market trends; tender and bidding tools to reduce time and procurement spend and cloud contract management 2023-05-12
Textech Galaxy explores the latest textile and fashion trends, technologies and applications related to Healthcare, Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence. Be a part of our community, connect with other industry talents! 2023-05-11
时尚网(是中国第一个引进国际数字媒体及国际博主版权的时尚潮牌新媒体,专注于为你提供专业的潮流服装、护肤彩妆、珠宝配饰、明星娱乐、旅行方式等新鲜丰富充满乐趣的内容。 2023-10-17